As we prepare our learners for the future, our vision is the development of a highly
literate citizen that has a love of reading and enjoys engaging in the critical and creative thinking around literature. At Spring Mountain State School, we believe that every student can achieve success in reading through skills and strategies explicitly taught and practised. This is achieved through the explicit instruction of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, decoding and comprehension strategies. Explicitly teaching these skills and strategies, ensures consistency of language and a breakdown of essential reading skills.

We have also invested in two different ways to provide online books to students.
Bug Club is a phonically based online reading scheme with interactive activities. Each child has a personalized homepage where they'll find the e-Books they've been allocated by the teacher and motivating rewards.
Overdrive is a The eBooks Digital Library, it is a collection of eBooks and audiobooks which may be downloaded to computers and compatible mobile devices.
Below are three Videos to help you get started. The first one is the short promotional video we showed on Parade. The middle one is a getting started guide to BugClub and the last one is the getting started guide to Overdrive.
Please contact your child's class teacher if you are having any trouble accessing these great resources.