Spring Mountain State School has a range of facilities onsite. Information can be found on each of their individual pages.The school and the P&C utilise the QKR! APP for the School Uniform Shop and the P&C managed Tuckshop.
Qkr!™ (pronounced 'quicker') is a mobile payments platform that enables consumers to order and pay for goods & services directly from their smart device. Qkr accepts all major credit and debit cards and consumers can register more than one card. Qkr is already proving a success with multiple merchants across a variety of use cases globally.
In schools, Qkr enables parents to order and pay for school items (lunches, trips, pictures, uniforms, extra-curricular activities, etc.) for their children directly from their phone or computer.
Spring Mountain SS and Spring Mountain P&C both use QKR! for the School Tuckshop, Special Events and for the Uniform Shop.
Please refer to the relevant information below:
School Tuckshop
QKR Tuckshop orders must be lodged on the QKR App by Wednesday 9am for the Friday Canteen service.
Uniform Shop
Coming soon…. Please keep an eye out for information in the School Newsletter or e-flash email.
Special Events
P&C sometimes run special events and use QKR! for orders, participation, raffles etc. These events are advertised through the School Newsletter or in an e-flash email.