Spring Mountain State School has a strong stance around maintaining age appropriate apps and abiding to the app developers guidelines to ensure a safe learning environment for all students whilst engaging with iPads.
We understand that your child's iPad may be used recreationally at home and can appreciate that your parental guidance at home may differ from our school's policy and legal requirements. As per these policies and legal requirements we adhere to the age restrictions and we ask that all gaming, social and live streaming apps with the restriction of 12+ be removed from your child's iPad (Please refer to the quick guide below outlining popular 12+ apps for your reference).
If you choose to break the age restriction at home, the app can be reinstalled outside of school hours. However, we strongly advise maintaining the removal of these apps as they pose potential e-safety risks for young users.
If you would like more information around potential risks, dangerous apps and monitoring iPads at home; please attend one of our E-Safety presentations. These are typically held in Term 1 and Term 3. These sessions give practical, hands on support to parents to manage/support and deal with age appropriate apps on your children's devices.